Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas vacation.

What a wonderful thing, right? In theory it is, but when you get down to the nitty gritty, its not such a fantastic time, is it?

Christmas is excessive, expensive, overdone, too much food, too much family, too much everything. And what exactly does it mean to someone who doesn't believe in God and Jesus and the whole Christianity thing? Sure, I was brought up Christian, but I have since come to other conclusions. I respect all religious beliefs and do not judge people based on that, but I expect the same respect as a non believer. Live and let live.

So, Christmas has very little to do with religion in my world and from what I see, it has very little to do with religion overall. Even those in my life who are religious, Christmas is all about the food and the presents, with a little family time thrown in. They may go to a Christmas church service, but then continue on with the shopping and the presents.

I find myself disgusted with the excessiveness of it all. Having a toddler, and witnessing her excitement and awe of it all, was wonderful. But, at the same time, I felt as though I was grooming her for a life of over consumption and greed. My child now has more toys than any child should have and she doesn't even play with half of them. And we were even modest in our present giving this year.

Why, when I am not a Christian, do I celebrate Christmas? I think the answer to that is because I always have, and everyone else does. It has become a custom and I'm not sure how I can make a change. Every year my husband and I talk about only buying a few presents for the kids in both of our families. And, every year it turns into more. We feel obligated to participate.


Then there is the waste. The excessive packaging, the wrapping paper, the spoiled food. It makes me sad. It makes me realize that Christmas is all about the ecomony, like everything else. It is a ritual that keeps us going for the rest of the year. It makes us spend money so that the money keeps on moving around. It makes me feel like a pawn. Like I'm just going through the prescribed actions which I am expected to do. What is the alternative?

Oh Come On! So what if it has become hegemonic ritual that was modified by the early Christians form an ancient Pagan ritual. Christmas is fun! Get over it!