Sunday, November 7, 2010

Warm Puddles

A beautiful Fall day and a Sunday to boot. How perfect could life be?

Potty training.

I'm doing the hard core, three-day method. Its not fun.

I'm on day two.

My child is two and we have been working on this for a while. I decided that this is the weekend and there is no turning back now.

The diapers are gone and never coming back.

It is a roller coaster of successes and very messy failures. It is not easy to remain in good humour when your child is peeing on the couch while refusing to go to the potty. Then, while you wisk her away to finish on the potty she refuses that and pees on the floor.

It will come, I know. I just need to be more stubborn than she.

I think I will rent a carpet and upholstry cleaner next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Potty training is fun. We're just now on what we hope is the far side of training our first child.

    Hang in there with the blogging.
